Hospitals and Institutions

ECANA Hospitals & Institutions

Hospitals & Institutions committees carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who, due to incarceration or institutionalization, do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings. H&I is an important service in our Public Relations efforts in NA.

Minimum requirements for ALL H&I panel members:
1.) Participate in an active role in meetings/presentations in facility
2.) Adhere to all applicable rules of the facility and procedures for that meeting
3.) Go over “Do’s and Dont’s” with panel leader
4.) Clean time requirement- 9 months
5.) Had an H&I Learning Day in the previous 2 years

The ECANA H&I is currently carrying the message to addicts in the following facilities.

Bay County Jail: Women only, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, 5:30-7pm
Additional requirements: Cannot currently be on probation, must fill-out volunteer application, background check required, yearly orientation with Chaplain Newell

Emerald Coast Behavioral Hospital: Men and Women, Every Saturday,  6:30-7:30pm
Additional requirements: Clean time- 1 Year

C.A.R.E. Detox: Men and Women, Every other Monday, 7 pm
Additional requirements: Clean time- 2 years

If you are interested in doing H&I service work, please attend the next ECPRS
sub-committee meeting, which is held the 1st Friday of every month at 6:30pm at Bridge to Freedom, St Andrews Episcopal Church, 1608 Bakers Court, Panama City or

H & I is a great way to get involved!